Audio Intermediate

Adjusting your audio delay with CueCam’s built-in delay calculator

This guide is out of date. Chase this up on Discord
All the screenshots show the old Dashboard. Now you would find these options in the Mic button in the bottom bar.

If you are using a USB camera or using Shoot, then you may need to adjust your audio delay.

CueCam provides a delay calculator to make this easy.

  1. Navigate to your Live Camera

  2. Right-click your Mic button and select “Delay Calculator” right-click

  3. Get ready by raising and opening your hands get-ready

  4. When prompted, clap and keep your hands together keep-together

  5. Click the audio peak created by your hand clap click-peak

  6. Find the frame where your hands meet in the video by clicking the timeline click-frame

  7. Click “Save Delay” save-delay

Your audio will now be perfectly in sync!

Edit your audio delay manually

  1. Click the pink area of the mic pad

  2. Edit the delay time set-manually

Working with a secondary video/audio source

You can set different audio delays for different inputs.

You can add another audio input by clicking the line below the other inputs. add-source

You can then share a second camera and use the Delay Calculator on this second input to keep them in sync.

For example, I (Michael) sometimes play live music on stream and I have a multi-channel audio interface. My music equipment is elsewhere in the room so I set up Shoot pointing at it.

I can synchronise this second camera to my big sound card to make sure the music stays in sync.

This can all be independent of the main mic and camera used for my CueCam presentation.

BETA Download script Adjusting your audio delay with CueCam’s built-in delay calculator