Building Presentations

What is a CueCam presentation? Simple

A CueCam presentation is a sequence of “smart cue cards”.

Anatomy of a Smart Cue Card


  1. The play button immediately moves this card to your teleprompter and its content to your virtual camera.
  2. The text area contains a combination of teleprompter text and an slide content (highlighted in pink)
  3. Here we see a slide image called DNA.jpg - this will show up on your virtual camera
  4. A slide title is denoted with a leading # character and will show up on your virtual camera.
  5. Attachments (like a video, screen share or second camera) and triggers (like opening a link or starting a recording) appear on the top right.
  6. The “Add Content” button lets you browse all the possible available types of attachments and triggers.

You can scroll through the content menu to see what’s available.


You can drag cards, just make sure you’re not over the text area - your mouse cursor should be an arrow.

Cards also have a context menu if you right click.

Your mouse cursor changes to a text selection tool when you’re over text so you can select, copy and paste content. dragging-cards.gif

Preview Editor

The preview area is to the right of your list of cards. Any changes to the inline content or visual attachments will show up on the right.

This is not your live webcam unless you are currently running this presentation. The “PREVIEW” indicator shows this.


Running a presentation

When you press “Start” or click the play button on a card, the preview editor will be replaced with a view of your virtual camera, with a LIVE indicator.

You will see your teleprompter text above the camera preview and the Dashboard slides out from the right. helix

What is a card and what is a slide? Simple

What is a card?

A card starts with text for your teleprompter.

Think of it as a cue card that reminds you what to say next. basic-card

Tagging some of the text on a card puts that text on a “slide”. tagged-text

What is a slide?

A slide is made up of text, images, videos, screen shares or a second camera.

Tag your teleprompter text to make it appear on slides.

Here you can see the slide created by the tagged text on the card. what-is-a-slide

Slide alignment

Slides are arranged according to their “alignment” setting. slide-alignment

Text and images are arranged at the bottom, top, left, right or middle of the screen according to this setting.

How do slide images work?

Slides have “inline” images and one “background image”.

You can add as many inline images as you want by dragging them into the text area of your cards. multi-image

You can add a background image by dragging it onto the card’s “+” button.

Inline images can be turned into background images via the popup editor.

You can use background images to show full screen content or as something to appear behind your text and inline images.

Background images can be set to “fit” or “cover” the background via the popup editor.

What is a trigger?

Cards can trigger various actions, inside CueCam or on other applications.

You can add triggers using a card’s ![+] button. add-content-gif

Popup editors for attachments and triggers

Triggers and attachments an be clicked to reveal a popup editor.

This is how you control, for example, how a video plays. popup-editor

The card sidebar

Open the card sidebar to see all of the selected card’s attachments and triggers at once. card-sidebar

How to plan a talk with Chat GPT Simple

On the Welcome screen, click “Generate a Script”

Enter a brief for Chat GPT.

Describe your audience, describe the talk under “Brief”, describe your desired outcome and set the number of cards you’d like.

Click Generate Script to continue. This might take a few seconds.

A new window will appear showing your new script.

Let’s add an image: click the plus (+) icon on any card and select “Generate Image”.

Enter a prompt for Dall-E and click “Generate Image”

After a few seconds, your image appears, but it’s at the bottom of the screen.

Click the Card button on the top right to open the sidebar. You can now choose a new alignment mode for your card.

And now the image appears on the left!

You can move the title underneath the card using cut and paste and change the text to something more interesting.

Click between the cards to start expanding your script.

Try the presentation by pressing “Start”

How to create a card from a layout template Simple
  1. Click “Add Layout...” at the bottom-left of CueCam’s document window

  2. A new card will be created after the currently selected card.

  3. Pick a template. layout-template

  4. Edit the text in the pink areas to change the text. If you delete any special symbols (like ##) then the title will be removed.

  5. Click pinned images to change them

Different types of

How to use CueCam as a teleprompter Intermediate

CueCam is built to be a great teleprompter.

You should create your cue cards with your teleprompter in mind.

All the text you add to a cue card will be visible in your teleprompter.

This is a typical card. It includes a title in a way that can be shown on screen while being read from the teleprompter.

Imagine if CueCam kept the teleprompter text separate from the titles. In this case when we save-as to make next week’s script, we’d need to change the number twice - once on the card and once in the slide editor. By keeping text and slide content in one place, we can avoid mistakes!

Try to keep your cards concise - it’s easy to flip to the next card and they’ll be easier to read if they’re short.

The teleprompter window

If you have an Elgato Prompter or similar, you will have a separate display for this device.

CueCam has a teleprompter window that you can drag onto this display.

This window can include your camera preview or another window from your computer, or you can make it transparent and drag another window behind it.

Using your iPhone as a teleprompter

If you are using Shoot as your webcam, your teleprompter will automatically appear on its screen.

Navigating cards

You navigate your teleprompter with the big pink button.

When you’re presenting, the pink button will display a preview of the next card

Cards can include bullet points (using the * syntax)

If your card has bullet points, these will be revealed one at a time and the pink button will update accordingly.

How to create slides in CueCam Simple

Add a blank card

Click the “Add Card” button to add a new blank card after the currently selected card.

Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Enter to do the same thing. add-card

Insert a blank card above another card

Hover over the space between two cards and click. between-cards

Add a card with a specific layout

Click the “Add Layout...” button to choose from a selection of slide layouts.

You can apply any of these layouts to a blank card by using the button in the preview area to the right. add-layout

Add cards using one or more images and videos

Click “Add Media...” and browse to your content. Drag around multiple files or click while using the Shift or Command keys. multi-select

When you click “Open”, all media will be imported and attached to cards. imported-cards

You can also drag and drop a set of images into the area below the last card to achieve the same effect. drag-images

How to generate a card with AI

Click “Generate” to start.

Enter a description of the content you need and use the slider to select the number of cards.

Check “Create image prompts” to include image prompts for Dall-E.

Check “Upload script for context?” if you want Chat GPT to continue your existing script, matching its tone.

Click Generate. generate-text

Wait a moment or two while the new cards are generated. wait

If you checked “Generate image prompt” you can use the “Generate Image...” button on any card to add an image. generated-cards

Click Generate Image.. to show and edit the prompt. generate-image

After a few moments the generated image will be inserted into your card (with an appropriate filename!). generated-inline

Check “Background image” if you want a 16:9 image for use as a generated-background

If you don’t love the results, you can use Undo to try again.

How to duplicate a card

Making sure you are not hovering over the text area (your mouse cursor should be an arrow, not a text bar), right-click any card and select Duplicate 1 Card. duplicate

How to delete a card

Making sure you are not hovering over the text area (your mouse cursor should be an arrow, not a text bar), right-click any card and select Delete 1 Card.

You can multi-select cards to delete more than one. delete-card

How to add a title Simple

Using the Layout Picker

With any card selected, choose a layout from the picker in the preview area to the right.

This will create or update tagged text and apply the correct alignment in one click.

Using the Add button

Click the Add (“+”) button on your card and select from one of the text options: adding-titles-from-menu

By typing

You can type title tags directly by starting any line with one of the special characters #, > , * , ^, etc...

# Heading 1 ## Heading 2 (”Subheading”) ### Heading 3 (”Paragraph”) * Bullet

> Quote ~ Attribution

^ Footnote

! image.png Adds any image already in the document bundle (so you can copy-paste this text to put the image on other slides but you have to drag the image to the card if it’s not already in the document bundle)

Top tip, the # character is in a weird place on UK Mac keyboards - press Alt+3 to type it!

Setting the text position and contrast

You can change the position and lightness or darkness of text by using the Card Menu (up top) or the Card Sidebar (on the right). card-menu card-text-sidebar

Via the Live Camera

If there is no currently selected slide, the Slide button can be clicked to type text directly onto your webcam feed. add-text-live

Live via your iPad with Live Titles

Using your iPad, draw a horizontal line and say the words you want to appear.

The size will match the length of the line.

It takes a little practice and is easier if you use your finger than with an Apple Pencil.

Keep holding until the text appears or try again if the line wasn’t straight enough!

This text will automatically appear within CueCam if it’s connected to the iPad. live-titles

How to add a slide background Simple

Use the “Add” (+) button

  • Click the Add (+) button
  • Scroll down and select “Background Image”
  • Select a file from your computer add-button

Using drag-and-drop

Drag an image on your computer to the Add (+) button (or anything else in the “attachments” area) drag-and-drop

Via a layout

Select a layout with a background from the layouts menu. background-photo

Click the image attachment and then click “Replace...” to choose a new image.

You can select any other image from your document using the picker on the left. replace-image

With Dall-E

You can generate a background image using AI by clicking the Add (+) button and selecting “Generate Image...”.

Enter a description and check “Background Image” generate-image

In a few moments you will have a result. Use Undo if you want to try again! generated-image-result

How to add a slide image Simple

Using drag and drop

Slides have “inline” images and one “background image”.

You can add as many inline images as you want by dragging them into the text area of your cards. drag-and-drop

Using the Add (+) button

Click the Add (+) button and select Image.

Click the attachment to replace.

By selecting a layout

Select a layout that includes a slide image. pick-template

Click the attachment and use Replace... to change it. replace

Generated using Dall-E

Click the Add (+) button and selecting “Generate Image...”.

Enter a description for your image.

Click “Generate image” and wait a few moments.


And there you have it (usually it generates better filenames).

How to add a video to a card Simple

Use the Add (+) menu

Click a card’s Add (+) button and scroll to “Media” → “Video” add-button

The image will be converted. conversion

Now you can preview the video with the controls on the right. previewing

Drag and drop to a card

Drag a movie file from Finder directly onto a card to convert and import. drag-and-drop.gif

Drag and drop to the end of the document

Drag a video to the end of a document to create a new card. drop-at-end.gif

Use the layout picker

Select the “Movie” layout from the Slide Layout picker. layout-picker

Click the card attachment and use “Replace...” to change the video. replace-video

Record directly onto a card

You can record CueCam’s current output directly onto a card via the sidebar.

Add multiple videos at once

Click “Add Media...” to create cards by multi-selecting videos and images.

You can also drag multiple images to the end of the document.

Add without converting

If you don’t want to convert your video files to 1080p h.265 encoding, you can skip this step by holding the Option (⌥) key when dragging a video onto a card.

Editing video settings

You can access video settings by clicking the attachment or by opening the Card inspector on the right. edit-settings

Presenting a video

Click the ‘play’ button on the left of a card to present it as part of the current deck.

Muting videos

Open the video settings and select “Mute Video”

Muting your mic during video playback

Open your video’s settings and select “Mute Mic”

Trimming videos

Click the “Trim” button on a video’s settings to set start and end points.

Click “Trim” when you are finished.

Changing the video’s volume

Adjust the playback volume using the slider in a video’s settings.

Or use the Dashboard fader while presenting it. change-volume

Looping a video

Open the “End Action” picker in the video’s settings. Select “Loop”. looping

Continuing a presentation when video has finished playing

Open the “End Action” picker in the video’s settings. Select “Next Card”. next-card

How to add a video background Intermediate

To use a video as a background you can attach a video as you usually would ( How to add a video to a card) and then change a couple of settings.

  1. Mute the video
  2. Enable “Loop” settings

To see an example, select the Video Background layout from from the Layout Picker. picker

How to share a second camera from a card Simple

Click on a card’s Add (+) button, scroll down to “Second camera” and select a source. add-to-card

When sharing a second camera, your main camera will be shown picture-in-picture.

In EDITOR mode you can click to hide this, or change it through the Card sidebar. toggle-pip

If you use Shoot as a second camera (it works great as an overhead camera!) then you can access its controls from the card panel.

How to use Shoot Pro Webcam with CueCam Presenter shoot-controls

How to remove a second camera

In the dropdown menu, select the blank space at the top to clear the selection.

How to share your screen from a card Simple

You can share a screen, app or window from a card.

Using the layout picker

Select “Share Screen”, “Share App”, or “Share Window” in the layout picker.

You may now be prompted to select a window or app. You can navigate your windows using the dock, Cmd+Tab etc... and click on one to select. share-picker

Your default desktop

If you share your screen, by default your “Default Desktop” will be attached to the card. default-desktop

To change your default desktop, share a different screen from your Dashboard. dashboard-change-share

Your default desktop is indicated with a check mark.

You can also change this from the Present menu. present-menu

Using the Add (+) button

You can select a screen, window or app directly using the Add (+) button. add-button

How to share a website Simple

You can share a website by sharing a browser window and automatically opening a link.

Do this in one step by using the “Share Website” template. This will share your default browser and open a link. website-layout

Click the url attachment to change the website. change-url

How to share a connected iPad or iPhone’s screen Simple

If you have an Apple device connected to your Mac with USB, you can share it from your Dashboard or from a card.

Share from the Live Camera / Dashboard

Click the arrow on the right of the Share button (or right-click). Click “Apple Devices” and select your device. dashboard-pick

Your device will fill your screen and you will appear in picture-in-picture. dashboard-vertical

You can select a frame through the Share Button right-click menu. Select from a library of devices to find the one you need (powered by Fastlane Frameit). select-frame-dash

The device frame will be automatically downloaded and applied whenever you share this device in future. iphone-framed-vertical

It looks great with Aside 3D! iphone-framed-aside

If you rotate your device the frame will fill the available space. iphone-horizontal

Here it is again in Aside 3D. iphone-horizontal-aside

And you can now draw with Video Pencil. iphone-framed-video-pencil

Sharing from a card

Click the Add (+) button and scroll to Screen Sharing. Click “Apple Device...” and select your device. add-card

Click the attachment to change the frame (this frame will always be used for this device, not just on this card).card-settings

You can also access these settings via the Card sidebar. card-inspector

How to add bullet points in CueCam Simple

Bullet points are added by starting a line with a * character, e.g.

* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2
* Bullet 3

You can type them or add them through the Add (+) button. bullet-menu

You can choose from a range of layouts to determine where your bullets will appear by using the Card sidebar, the Card menu, or with keyboard shortcuts ⌘+1, ⌘+2 , ⌘+3 etc... left right middle bottom

When you present a card, bullet points will be revealed one at a time when you press the Next button. bullets-reveal.gif

You can put notes in brackets if you want to add more details for your teleprompter. brackets

Your teleprompter will filter the notes for each bullet point to keep you focused. teleprompter-bullets.gif

How to add quotations to slides Simple

You can add quotes via the Add (+) button. quote-button

The “Quotation” part will be selected so you can paste your quote or start typing. Edit the part after the ~ to set the attribution. quotation-inserted

You can change the layout using the Card sidebar, the Card Menu or with the keyboard shortcuts ⌘+1, ⌘+2 , ⌘+3 etc... mandela-quote


If you would like to add a citation to your quote (and you probably should!) then you can use the ^ Footnote syntax.

> Quotation ~ Attribution
^ Footnote

This will add a footer with your attribution. footnote

If you would like to label your footnotes, add a ^1 to the end of your attribution and change the footnote to ^1 Footnote, like this:

> Every child begins the world anew — Henry David Thoreau^1
^1 Walden; or, Life in the Woods, 1954


How to add footnotes to slides Simple

Footnotes appear at the bottom of the screen and can be added to slides with the ^ Footnote syntax.

Use the Add (+) button to add via the menu. add

The text will be selected ready to replace. selected

On screen, this looks like so: content

If you add extra content, the position of the footnote will be adjusted accordingly. layout

You can add a number to a footnote and it will appear in superscript format, by placing a number after the caret(^), before the space. numbered

How to make a lower third Simple

You can make a simple, easy-to-edit, lower third by adding text and/or images into a CueCam slide. sample

The easiest way is using the layout picker’s “Title & Icon” option. add-layout

Here you can customise the text (without deleting the text tags # ). default

To change the image, click the attachment. replace-icon

To add more text, you can use the menu. add-text

You can add more images by dragging them from your computer into the card’s text area or using copy-paste from anywhere. copy-image multiple-icons

How to change the text size and colour Simple

You can change the overall text size of a document but all text sizes are defined by the tags used and the context in which they are presented.

You can make text dark or light to make sure it is legible on different backgrounds, but you can’t change the colour.

You can change the background colour of text if you use certain rendering modes (available via the Doc tab).

How to rearrange slides Simple

You can rearrange slides by dragging cards or the sidebar thumbnails. dragging-cards-and-slides.gif

How to send a presentation via Dropbox Simple

To share a CueCam bundle on Dropbox, first move it to your Dropbox folder.

Now use “Copy Dropbox link”. (No need to zip the file first.) copy

When you share the link, you can make life easier for your recipient by editing the URL to end with dl=1 instead of dl=0.

How to import slides from Keynote, Powerpoint or other applications Simple

In your other app, export your slides as images.

Create a script in CueCam

Use “Import Media...” to import the images.

You can drag and drop images and videos into the space below the last card

How to share a YouTube video from a card Simple

Share a YouTube video by sharing your default browser and triggering a url to be opened. share-website

Paste the URL of the website into the URL trigger card attachment. paste-youtube

Use CueCam’s virtual mic to hear audio from the video.

You can adjust the volume using the Dashboard or directly on the YouTube video.

How to trim videos on cards Simple

You can trim videos attached to cards inside CueCam.

This is non-destructive and will not affect the source video (or your file size!)

Start by clicking the video attachment (you can also use the Card sidebar). click-attachment

Click “Trim” click-trim

It’s easiest to drag trim points in the large video preview.

Don’t forget to press “Trim” when you’re done. trim-it

Now this video will start and stop at the times you set.

How to add cards using a set of images Simple

If you have a set of images to use as cards, you can add these using the “Add Media” button at the bottom of the card list. add-media

You can then multi-select the images in the file browser. multi-select

Each card will get a full-screen image. results-1

You can customise slides with the popup-editor or the Card sidebar (this lets you multi-select cards to change multiple cards at once). editing

Alternatively: drag and drop

If you select a set of images in Finder you can drop these directly into your deck and a card will automatically be created for each. drag-and-drop-images.gif

How to add cards from a set of videos Simple

If you have a set of videos to use as cards, you can add these using the “Add Media” button at the bottom of the card list. add-media

You can then multi-select the videos in the file browser. file-browser

A card will be created for each video.

You can customise video playback with the popup-editor or the Card sidebar (this lets you multi-select cards to change multiple cards at once).

Alternatively: drag and drop

If you select a set of images in Finder you can drop these directly into your deck and a card will automatically be created for each. videos-drag-and-drop.gif

How to add an overlay or watermark to your presentation Simple

Branding / watermark overlays are attached per-document.

Overlays are anchored to the top-right of the presentation and should have a transparent background.

In your script, go to the Doc tab. Click the placeholder labelled “Overlay” to browse for an image. doc-tab

It won’t necessarily appear straight away. nothing-yet

When you run the presentation, you will see the image at the top-right of the video.

This example looks bad because we didn’t add any transparent padding to the image. squidged-up

Add a 20px margin to make it look less crowded. padding

If you want to place your branding in any other corner, make a transparent image of size 1920x1080 and place the logo anywhere you like! full-frame

This may have changed by the time you read this to make it easy to switch to vertical or square video formats.

Keyboard navigation in CueCam Intermediate

While many keyboard shortcuts can be seen in the menus (such as the View menu shown below), some might not be quite so obvious.

Card navigation

Within any card you can use any of the usual macOS keyboard shortcuts for editing text, for example:

⌘ASelect-All: Selects all text on the current card

⇧← and ⇧→ Select text (character-by-character)

⇧⌥← and ⇧⌥→ Select text (word-by-word)

⇧⌘← and ⇧⌘→ Select text (line-by-line)

The up( ) and down () arrow keys can be used to navigate within a multiline card, but if you are at the beginning or end of a card’s text, you can continue to the next or previous card.

To quickly navigate between cards, jump to the beginning or end of a card’s text with ⌘↑ and ⌘↓ and then continue to the next or previous with another stroke of the arrow key.

Running presentations

When you are running a presentation, if a CueCam window has focus, you can use ⌥⌘→ and ⌥⌘← to present to the next or previous card.

Use ⌘. to end the current presentation.

Opening windows

Use ⌘⇧D to show the Teleprompter window.

Use ⌘⇧Lfor the Live Camera.

Aside 3D

Some keyboard shortcuts, like Aside 3D, use single-key commands.

These are most effective when the Live Camera window has focus.

Video Pencil

You can control Video Pencil with keyboard shortcuts in CueCam but it’s a better experience if you use a Stream Deck.

How to collaborate on CueCam presentations Intermediate

CueCam presentations are document bundles that bundle video, image and audio assets.

You can share a bundle with a friend or colleague and they will be able to run the same presentation with ease.

Documents can be uploaded to a centralised repository if you want to make presentations available within your company.

Uploading bundles

On a Mac, these bundles appear as a single file, but systems like Dropbox or OneDrive, or email clients, might see them as folders. It’s useful to understand this when sharing.

On most platforms you can share a zip (secondary-click “Archive”) to avoid this problem.

Dropbox tip

If you upload to Dropbox and copy the share link (no need to zip first), you can provide the smoothest experience for your recipient by changing the url to end with dl=1 instead of dl=0.

Version control (git)

CueCam bundles work well with version control systems like Git.

All content is encoded in JSON format with attachments appearing as separate individual files.

This makes it easy to compare versions and track changes. git

How to set a countdown timer for your presentation Intermediate

CueCam Presenter comes with a simple-to-use beautiful countdown timer that you. can easily add to any presentation. countdown-timer.gif

To use this timer, you need to set the start time of your presentation.

In your CueCam presentation, open the Doc sidebar. doc-button

Click “Set start time” under Countdown to create the timer. set-start-time

E.g. If you are starting at 5pm: start-time

When you press the Start button, the timer will appear (unless the start time is more than an hour away!). timer-showing

This looks best if you create a background to match. You can find an example by selecting the “Video Background” layout. video-background-layout

You can create something that looks like this: sample-thirds

How to trace an image in Video Pencil Intermediate

Add an image to your Media library by picking from files, photos or using paste.

Once you have the image in your library, long-press to show its options. media-library

Give the image a good filename to make things sensible. You can now either draw immediately or scroll down to “Copy Link to Trace”. media-info

Once copied, you should be able to paste this to your Mac. copied-link

In your CueCam document, click “Open a URL / Link / Website” add-trigger

Click the URL attachment and paste in the link. paste-trigger

Now when you land on this card, the tracing image will be loaded. run-the-card

You can trace this image and your audience will see only your drawing! results

How to automatically pause a video in Video Pencil Intermediate

First add a video to your media library by using Pick from Photos... or Pick from Files...

Now in the Media menu, long-press that video. long-press

If your video contains chapter markers

If your video contains chapter markers, use the toggle switches (or PAUSE ALL, UNPAUSE ALL) to automatically pause the video at this point. chapter-markers

Adding pause points manually

Use the video player at the top to navigate your video.

Tap “ADD PAUSE” whenever you want a pause point. You can change your mind by tapping the row that appears under PAUSE POINTS. manual-points

When you load this video you will see the pause points indicated on the timeline.

How to load a video into Video Pencil from a card

How to play music in CueCam Intermediate

CueCam music playback is “event-driven” instead of being attached to a specific card. You can start, stop and fade music up and down with a trigger on a card.

This means that you can add and remove cards or video sequences at will and the music will keep playing until you want it to stop or fade out.

You can fade down music when you start talking and have it fade back up when showing a title sequence.

How to start music playback

Use the Add (+) button on a card to create a “Load Music” trigger. load-music

You can then click on the trigger to select a music file. This music file will be bundled into your document so make sure you have the right to share it if you send your document to someone else. You can load most Apple-friendly music formats like mp3, m4a etc... music-popup

Now you can set the volume and fade time of the track. The fade time is indicated after the file name on the card attachment button. start-music-trigger

Changing the music volume with a fade

If you add a fade, it will affect the currently-playing music. If no music is playing, nothing will happen when the card is presented.

Use the Add (+) button to create a “Fade To...” trigger on a card.


Stopping music

If you want to stop the music on a specific card, you can add a “Stop Music” trigger with the Add (+) button.

If you want to stop the music immediately, you can use the Music button in the Dashboard.

The Dashboard’s music button shows playback progress, the current LUFS volume, a large Stop button and the currently playing track name.

You can mute the music without pausing playback by tapping in the lower part of the button (but not the Stop button), or you can stop it completely using the Stop button. dashboard-music-button

If you click the pink area you can see monitoring options and a volume control. dashboard-panel

How to use Ecamm Live with CueCam Presenter Intermediate

The simplest way to use CueCam with Ecamm is to select CueCam’s virtual camera as a source in Ecamm Live. ecamm-seletion

Select CueCam Audio as your main mic input. Always leave it at 100% or you will not get the benefits of CueCam’s LUFS metering. audio

This gives you:

  • Automatic Video Pencil and Shoot integration
  • All of CueCam’s live and card-based sharing features (slides, images, videos, window, second camera and more)
  • CueCam’s Aside 3D, camera LUT and green screen features
  • Audio from videos, screen shares and other CueCam / Video Pencil sound effects
  • The benefits of CueCam’s LUFS audio meters

You can add any additional branding and custom overlays in Ecamm to use in your live streams, along with other features like Interview Mode.

Drawing on your screen or videos

If you want to draw on a video or your screen using Video Pencil, be sure to share content via CueCam, not Ecamm.

How to use Video Pencil with CueCam Presenter

How to quickly share a video from your computer

How to quickly share your desktop

Keynote and Powerpoint presentations

Build your presentation inside CueCam instead of sharing, for example, a Keynote window.

How to import slides from Keynote, Powerpoint or other applications

Use the right program feed in your teleprompter

When live streaming, use CueCam’s teleprompter to share Ecamm’s Program Window instead of using CueCam’s Virtual Camera for a more accurate view of what you are sharing.

Understanding the teleprompter window

Switching Ecamm scenes from CueCam cards

You can drive your Ecamm-based stream from CueCam by triggering scene changes from cards.

With Ecamm running (and after accepting permission for CueCam to control Ecamm), you can add an Ecamm scene to a card.

Click the Add (+) button and scroll to Ecamm Live Scene. Under this option you will find all of the scenes in your current Ecamm profile.


You will now see the Ecamm scene selector in your card. When this card is presented, Ecamm will switch to the selected scene. card-with-trigger

How to draw on an Ecamm Live scene that doesn’t use CueCam as the main source

CueCam exposes a Syphon feed of the transparent layer from Video Pencil.

You can add this as a camera overlay to any Ecamm scene.

Make sure it fits edge-to-edge full screen by snapping to the centre and then using the mouse wheel or track pad to zoom it to the maximum size.

Lock the layer so you can still drag your Ecamm window. syphon

In order to see Ecamm’s output on your iPad, either select Ecamm’s Virtual Camera as a source in CueCam or select Ecamm’s NDI output in Video Pencil.

First enable NDI.


Then select the source on your iPad. ecamm-selected-on-ipad

In future it will be possible to switch iPad cameras directly from CueCam but if you need this urgently, please add a suggestion in the Discord. How to request new features for CueCam Presenter

How to use OBS with CueCam Presenter Advanced

The simplest way to use CueCam with OBS is to select CueCam’s virtual camera as a Video Capture Device in OBS.

Add a Video Capture Device. add-capture

Call it CueCam and press “OK”. name-capture

Select CueCam as the source and press OK. select-cuecam

This brings through CueCam’s virtual camera. how-it-looks

Select CueCam Audio as an input. Since you’re using CueCam, it may be better to do this per-scene, since you won’t need as many scenes but it’s likely you might want a scene where CueCam’s audio is muted (for a countdown timer and music loop, for example).

Click the + icon in the Sources panel and select “Audio Input Capture”. add-audio

Call it CueCam Audio and click OK. name-audio

Select CueCam Audio as the source and click OK. select-audio

You now have CueCam’s audio in OBS. Always leave CueCam’s volume at 0.0 dB inside OBS or you will not get the benefits of CueCam’s LUFS metering and mixing. see-audio

This gives you:

  • Automatic Video Pencil and Shoot integration - drawing on anything, iOS devices as wireless cameras
  • All of CueCam’s live and card-based sharing features (slides, images, videos, window, second camera and more)
  • CueCam’s Aside 3D, camera LUT and green screen features
  • Audio from videos, screen shares and other CueCam / Video Pencil sound effects
  • The benefits of CueCam’s LUFS audio meters

You can add any additional branding and custom overlays in OBS to use in your live streams.

Drawing on your screen or videos

If you want to draw on a video or your screen using Video Pencil, be sure to share content via CueCam, not OBS.

How to use Video Pencil with CueCam Presenter

How to quickly share a video from your computer

How to quickly share your desktop

Keynote and Powerpoint presentations

Build your presentation inside CueCam instead of sharing, for example, a Keynote window.

How to import slides from Keynote, Powerpoint or other applications

Use the right program feed in your teleprompter

When live streaming, use CueCam’s teleprompter to share an OBS’s Window instead of using CueCam’s Virtual Camera for a more accurate view of what you are sharing.

Understanding the teleprompter window

Switching OBS scenes from CueCam cards

You can drive your OBS-based stream from CueCam by triggering scene changes from cards.

First, you will need to set up OBS’s WebSocket Server. show-websocket-settings

Check “Enable WebSocket server”. Create a server password and note the Server Port. set-up-obs-websocket

Open CueCam’s Settings window. cuecam-settings

Enter the OBS server port and password. obs-websocket-settings

Ensure that your OBS Scenes are named correctly. Scenes are selected by name from Ecamm so they will not be found if you change their names later. obs-scenes

Click the Add (+) button and scroll to OBS Scene. Under this option you will find all of the scenes in your current OBS profile. add-obs-trigger

You will now see the OBS scene selector in your card. When this card is presented, OBS will switch to the selected scene. obs-trigger

How to draw on an OBS scene that doesn’t use CueCam as the main source

CueCam exposes a Syphon feed of the transparent layer from Video Pencil.

You can add this as an overlay to any OBS scene. Click + and select “Syphon Client”. add-syphon

Name this layer Video Pencil. name-video-pencil

Select “![Video Pencil via CueCam] Video Pencil Layer” and check “Allow Transparency”. video-pencil-source

In order to see this on your iPad, activate OBS’s Virtual Camera. Here’s how it looks when it’s running. virtual-camera

In CueCam select OBS Virtual Camera as your Main Camera.

Now you can see your OBS feed on your iPad using Video Pencil and draw on it, live on stream. draw-on-ipad

How to use mimoLive with CueCam Presenter Advanced

The simplest way to use CueCam with mimoLive is to select CueCam’s virtual camera as a source in mimoLive, along with CueCam Audio. cuecam-virtual

This gives you:

  • Automatic Video Pencil and Shoot integration
  • All of CueCam’s live and card-based sharing features (slides, images, videos, window, second camera and more)
  • CueCam’s Aside 3D, camera LUT and green screen features
  • Audio from videos, screen shares and other CueCam / Video Pencil sound effects
  • The benefits of CueCam’s LUFS audio meters

You can add any additional branding and custom overlays in mimoLive to use in your live streams, along with other features like Interview Mode.

Drawing on your screen or videos

If you want to draw on a video or your screen using Video Pencil, be sure to share content via CueCam, not mimoLive.

How to use Video Pencil with CueCam Presenter

How to quickly share a video from your computer

How to quickly share your desktop

Keynote and Powerpoint presentations

Build your presentation inside CueCam instead of sharing, for example, a Keynote window.

How to import slides from Keynote, Powerpoint or other applications

Use the right program feed in your teleprompter

When live streaming, use CueCam’s teleprompter to share mimoLive’s Program Window instead of using CueCam’s Virtual Camera for a more accurate view of what you are sharing.

Understanding the teleprompter window

Switching mimoLive layer sets from CueCam cards

You can drive your mimoLive-based stream from CueCam by triggering layer set changes from cards.

First, set up your layer sets in mimoLive: layer-sets

Click the Add (+) button and scroll to mimoLive layer set. Under this option you will find all of the open documents and available layer sets.


You will now see the mimoLive layer set selector in your card. You can run through your script and present a different layer set when you present a certain card. When this card is presented, mimoLive will switch to the selected layer set. example-scene

How to draw on an mimoLive layer set that doesn’t use CueCam as the main source

CueCam exposes a Syphon feed of the transparent layer from Video Pencil. You can add this as a layer in mimoLive.

First, create a Syphon Video Receiver source. add-syphon-source

Configure the layer with the little three-dots button. how-to-configure

Click the large “Video Pencil Layer” from “Video Pencil via CueCam” to select this source. select-video-pencil

Make this the top layer and you will see it as a transparent overlay on your feed. mimo-layer-result

In order to see mimoLive’s output on your iPad, either select mimoLive’s Virtual Camera as a source in CueCam or select mimoLive’s NDI output in Video Pencil.

Using CueCam’s connection to see mimoLive in Video Pencil

To use mimoLive as a CueCam source, first add a Virtual Camera output in mimoLive. add-virtual-camera select-in-cuecam

In future it will be possible to switch iPad cameras directly from CueCam but if you need this urgently, please add a suggestion in the Discord. How to request new features for CueCam Presenter

Using NDI to see mimoLive in Video Pencil

Alternatively, you can use NDI.

Add an NDI output in mimoLive. add-ndi-output

Select this in Video Pencil.


How to send a keystroke to another app from a card Advanced

Click the Add (+) button on a card and select “Add Keystroke Trigger”. add-keystroke-trigger

Click the card attachment to choose the receiver app. You will see a select box to choose the target app, and an empty area that says “Click to add shortcut”. blank-keystroke

Choose an app and select a shortcut to finish creating the keystroke trigger. entered-keystroke

How to load a video into Video Pencil from a card Advanced

You can load a video into Video Pencil on your iPad, using a trigger on a CueCam card running on your Mac.

Long-press the video in your Media menu in Video Pencil and tap “Copy Link to Load” copy-link

In CueCam, select “Add a URL / Link / Website”. add-link

Paste the link and now the video will be loaded (with pause points) when you present this card. paste-link

How to change the selected Video Pencil tool from a card Advanced

Video Pencil can be controlled from CueCam Presenter using the Video Pencil toolbar item. control-video-pencil

You can right-click any of these items for a deep link. copy-deep-link

This will give you something like cuecam://ipad-control/select-tool/1

To trigger this change from a card, add a URL trigger: add-trigger

Click the trigger attachment and paste in the url.

Now when you present this card, the relevant tool will be selected. change-url

How to send OSC messages from a card Advanced

You can control apps that support OSC from CueCam.

An OSC Client has an address and a port number, and a number of named parameters that can be controlled.

Here is Ableton Live using the Connection Kit module OSC Send to control a Utility module.

With this set-up we can toggle an Ableton track from a CueCam card. ableton

1. Add target app in CueCam


Edit the newly added “app” to have the correct name, host and port number. named-app

Add a new OSC Trigger to a card. add-trigger

Select the target app. select-app

Set the address and value to send. create-message

You can send multiple values to the same address with the add value button. (For more addresses, add more OSC Triggers). add-values

Now when you present this card, you should see the effect in Ableton.

Please contact Michael if it doesn’t work - it’s not well-tested!

How to jump to another presentation Advanced

If you have a presentation that you want to include in the context of a longer presentation, say a technical how-to as part of a general introduction to a product, or you want to go into detail of a product feature during a sales call, you can set up a CueCam script to jump to a different script and back.

If you have two scripts, “Script A” and “Script B”, and you add a “Jump To Card” action to the second card of Script A, here is the order in which the presentation will run as you press the “Next” button. diagram

We actually jump to another card using its deep link, which gives you even more flexibility if you need it.

How to set up “Jump To Doc”

In the destination document (”Script B” below), secondary-click on the first card and select “Copy Deep Link”. copy-deep-link

In your main document (”Script A”) click the Add (+) button on the card you want to jump from.

It’s worth adding a note saying where it will jump to avoid confusion in future. add

Click the trigger and paste the deep link. paste

Now when you present the card with the Jump To Doc trigger, the presentation will switch over. multi-doc-run-through.gif

Note that when the second presentation is finished, instead of “Stop” you’ll see “Jump Back”. jump-back

Note that after Jump To Doc has been triggered, pressing Stop anywhere else will result in a return to the initial presentation, so use this feature with care.